People across Middlesbrough are being urged to "make a fresh quit" with the launch of a major quit smoking campaign. 

South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is going completely smokefree from Monday 1 April as part of a national drive to support more people to stub out the habit and reduce the many serious illnesses linked to smoking.

A UNIQUE project in Middlesbrough is helping people make life-changing health and well-being choices.

With less than a week to go until No Smoking Day on Wednesday, March 14, thousands of smokers in Middlesbrough are being urged to give quitting a go – and try to quit at least once a year until they stop for good.


  • Community Voice FM (CVFM) Ltd is not for profit media organisation based in Middlesbrough: we operate a grassroots-led radio station. 104.5 CVFM Radio started broadcasting in August 2009 serving the diverse population of Middlesbrough and the surrounding areas.


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