The removal of the unpopular Linthorpe Road cycle lane has moved a step closer following a key vote. 

Middlesbrough Mayor Chris Cooke says the Council is taking steps towards financial sustainability as budget proposals for 2025/26 are published. 

Tough jobs need tough kit to get the job done properly, and Middlesbrough has just taken delivery of some of the best. 

Middlesbrough Mayor Chris Cooke has released a short statement on Monday's clean-up operation after Sunday's violent disorder. 

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  • Community Voice FM (CVFM) Ltd is not for profit media organisation based in Middlesbrough: we operate a grassroots-led radio station. 104.5 CVFM Radio started broadcasting in August 2009 serving the diverse population of Middlesbrough and the surrounding areas.


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  • The radio, the telephone, Facebook – each of these inventions changed the world. Each of them scared the heck out of an older generation. And each of them was invented by people who were in their 20s. – Daniel H. Wilson